Author’s full name: Ivan Peregudov
Project name:7 sisters or travel to the Pleiades star cluster
Annotation to the project: The Pleiades or “seven sisters” is a scattered cluster in the constellation Taurus; one of the closest to Earth and one of the most visible to the naked eye open clusters. Three times the Pleiades mentioned in the Bible (Book of job 9:9, 38:31; Amos 5:8). Spacecraft making their way to the heart of the Pleiades, to learn the secrets of the universe! 7 sisters keep solving the mysteries of birth, life and death of stars. Let’s touch the secrets of the creation of the universe by the Great Creator!
Mentor’s name: Helena Peregudova
Mentor’s position: Entrepreneur
Name of educational organization, city, state: Russia, Voronezh, Sunday school at the Annunciation Cathedral
7 sisters or travel to the Pleiades star cluster