Author’s full name: Aksenova Mariya
Project name: A journey into the unknown: next stop Mars!
Annotation to the project: Mars – a key area of space research. He is greater than all the planets similar to Earth. Will we be able to turn Mars into a new home? The problem with Mars is that it is far, much farther than the Moon. Conceived colonization of Mars by people from Earth. But can the astronauts survive the long journey to Mars? To reach it you need a lot of fuel. Scientists believe that a reusable rocket is much cheaper than disposable and can be will help people to reach the red planet.
Mentor’s name: Alla Shevchenko V.
Mentor’s position: teacher of chemistry
Name of educational organization, city, state: Municipal budgetary educational acсident Lyceum №4 of the city of Voronezh, Russia
A journey into the unknown: next stop Mars!