A message to extraterrestrial civilizations


A message to extraterrestrial civilizations

Author’s full name: Badikova Daria S.
Project name:  A message to extraterrestrial civilizations
Annotation to the project: The message is devoted the theme of mankinds struggle with cancer. The message comes as king to inhabitants of extraterrestrial civilizations to help our planet in search remedy from cancer.
Mentor’s name: Gariga Natalia V.
Mentor’s position: Teacher
Name of educational organization, city, state:  State Autonomous educational institution of secondary professional education of the Saratov region “Balashov medical College” , The town Balashov Saratov region

The message of students of the Earth to extraterrestrial civilizations.
Dear residents of extraterrestrial civilizations! We are the students and we are the inhabitants of planet Earth. When one looks into night sky and sees a lot of stars the imagines  planets, worlds where maybe there is another life.
People have been trying to contact with you for a long time. Maybe you able to communicate with us. Maybe you are aware of the language of communicate?
The first radio message it was without address consist of only three words «Peace, Lenin, USSR» and was sent in 1962. Our future message will also be without address and be consist of three words «Cancer, Medicine, Life». It will be send in 2015.
Transmitting this message we will wait with hope that sooner or later you will catch and decode our signal and perhaps we will get the answer to our guestion: «It there a cure for cancer?»
Today our fragile planet is suffering from many terrible diseases that are resistant to cure. One of these horrible diseases is cancer. Cancer is a growing organism, it deals absorption people. Cancer is the most common couse of death worldwide. For many people it is synonymous with a death sentence.
Despite numerous researcher still there is no exact information about causes of growth cancer, that is why every person is at risk. There are only speculations about existing risk factors that increase the risk to grow cancer (UV radiation, components of tobacco smoke, viruses, nerveous tension). Only through preventive measures there is possibility to prevent 1/3 of cancer. Cancer affects not only to adults but to children too. The best doctors help to become healthy and happy give hope to thousands people affected by the disease but not everyone can be helped.  Adults and children suffering from a serious illness do not plan to give up and hope every minute will be find a cure for the terrible disease that will save their lives.
It is the most difficult to look on   children that every day are watching into eyes of their illness. Cancer treatment is a long and difficult process, bringing great physical and moral suffering  to children.
There is a day on the Earth – the fifteenth of February – International day against child cancer.
Our planet continues to struggle with cancer, thousands of scientists around the world are busy finding a cure for cancer. We want to know your opinion about this disease, what is reason uncontrolled division cell and forming malignant tumors in various organs and systems and we hope your scientists will help us to find a cure for this disease.