Dear crew of the international space station! If you are reading my letter, then a second miracle happens in my life. And the first one was the birth of my first and the only son Andryusha . Now he is 4. He’s special as he has been diagnosed autism. Today, this word can be heard on the main TV and radio channels and at various conferences. Someone makes money on these children; some people use them for PR. But for us – it’s a lifestyle, daily hard work. Andrew knows and can do a lot of things. But he has no friends. By virtue of his diagnosis it is difficult to communicate with his peers, although he is not aggressive but even very affectionate boy when surrounded by familiar people. His best friend is my father, his grandfather. Although they meet rarely, but when they do they are «thick as thieves». Other people aren’t able to recognize his specificity (this also happens) and can write it on his childish caprices, young age or the lack of upbringing. Just a few can understand and accept such people like my son. And what is worse is when relatives and close friends don’t realize the seriousness of the situation and get keeping away from you and from this little special child. You are looking for experts, medicine – possible assistance to him, but instead of support you meet incomprehension and rejection. At these moments you start to believe in God more than ever to survive somehow.
They say that God is in heaven. So you, astronauts, are closer to Him. Please, ask him for Andrew’s health, and for my husband and my family – warmth in their hearts and understanding. I’m strong, I will stand, and Andrew’s name will be in every newspaper headline! I love him so much!
Author’s full name: Kondrenko Lilia
Project name: A special child: to understand, accept, love
Annotation to the project: The paper describes seciality of the child with autism . It highlights the problem of social interaction of such people and acceptance of the diagnosis by relatives and close people.
Name of educational organization, city, state: Russia, Voronezh