Author’s full name: Artem Palkin
Project name: Blockade spruce
Annotation to the project: Earth – our home, the cradle of life. It seemed that people should take care of her tender-ly. But no! On our planet, and then break out of the war. The most vulnerable to these events turns out – vayutsya children and journalists who tell people truth about the war. In order to attract people’s attention to the horrors of war , to a dangerous pabot correspondents and even more severe fate of children caught in the war zone , I made two movie: “For the sake of a few lines of” and “Blockade new Year.”
Mentor’s name: Valentina Palkina
Mentor’s position: mother
Name of educational organization, city, state: Russia, Perm region, city Lysva, Lyceum №1
Blockade spruce