Author’s full name: Alfutov Egor , Lependin Ivan , Dragunkin Georgii , Stroganovа Polina, Shevtsova Sophia, Dulov Ivan, Minakova Irina, Shadrin Nikita, Malyugina Alexandra.
Project name:«Christmas message of the international crew of the ISS-46 from preschoolers»
Annotation to the project: Happy New Year, astronauts, we wish you happiness and joy in outer space. May this year be a happy, hilarious,kind,bright ! And we give you gifts!
Mentor’s name: Putilina Ludmila V., Protsenko Elena S.
Mentor’s position: educator, musical director.
Name of educational organization, city, state: Municipal budget preschool educational institution general form № 140, Voronezh, Russia
Christmas message of the international crew of the ISS-46 from preschoolers