Author’s full name: Julia Vasina
Project name:”Cosmic Patterns”
Annotation to the project: Every person at least once in his life had to go to the planetarium. Planetarium opened in Moscow and when the visitors looked at the big telescope, we saw a very strange and beautiful planet. She was like a planet, but words can not convey its beauty! The upper part of the planet decorated strips of different colors, like a rainbow, and had black triangles on these strips. The lower part was also with triangles, but others large. They were bright green with dots and circles swamp in the middle. It was told about her visitors to their friends. More and more people came to the planetarium to see on this planet.
After 5 years, she approached the ground so that it was seen without a telescope. Our planet had a second satellite. A city that has seen the planet was renamed and now his name is connected with the cosmos. The city was decorated with the cosmic patterns. Now people from all over the earth come to see the eighth wonder of the world.
Mentor’s name: Elena Bogdanova
Mentor’s position: Art teacher
Name of educational organization, city, state: Russia, Voronezh, Children’s Art School №12
Cosmic Patterns