Author’s full name: Medeleeva Angelina
Project name: Journey to distant stars
Annotation to the project: The work is dedicated to the 55th anniversary of human exploration of outer space. It is designed to solve the following tasks: To consolidate and systematize the knowledge about space (stars, constellations, solar system, planets). To Refine the research knowledge about the Universe, about the astronauts. To develop attention, memory, observation, ability stage. To improve the ability of children to transfer to the image features of the structure of the spacecraft in the application. To bring a sense of pride for their country.
Mentor’s name: Medeleeva Nadezhda
Mentor’s position: the tutor of the senior group
Name of educational organization, city, state: VerhneKarachan kindergarten, Voronezh region, Gribanovsky District, the village of Verhnii Karachan, Russia
Journey to distant stars