Author’s full name: Karmash Valeria
Project name: Mysterious Universe border
Annotation to the project: The unknown boundaries of the universe,
while scientists can only imagine the size of our universe. And maybe the border of the universe in today’s understanding, only one line was something more.
To represent the edge of the Universe we can’t because of the limits given to us by nature. Our brain is simply unable to digest the volume of information which is hidden in the Universe. And indeed, those of our five senses can only accommodate what they can feel. That’s like trying to feel radio waves with the help of smell, it is not intended. We must accept the fact that the structure of the Universe and the nature of its formation is so complicated that just goes beyond the capabilities of our brain.
Mentor’s name: Mavrina Irina
Mentor’s position: Educator
Name of educational organization, city, state: Voronezh region, Voronezh, St. Tupolev, d. 13A, of the MUNICIPAL budget preschool educational institution “Kindergarten combined type №42″
Mysterious Universe border