

Space, thy wondrous expanses,
My young soul care.
Stardust endless patterns
Attract, attract, intrigue…

Hear the quiet beat of the universe,
With expectation I look to heaven!
Think about the life I’m immortal,
In stars look open eyes..

Duma different on my heart lie,
Soul troubled, and oppressed by sometimes..
Need, really need to understand!
Help me, Lord, to comprehend the essence!

Author’s full name: Vtornikova Daria
Project name: Mystery
Annotation to the project: At all times people meditated on the questions for which MAN is born on EARTH, what is the meaning of his life? Looking at the night sky, at the billions of twinkling stars, mysterious light, in the soul is born of clear understanding – if so-mysterious, magnificent and majestic the universe is, how big is the destiny of Man, whom God created in His Image and Likeness!
Mentor’s name: Vorobyova Elena
Mentor’s position: Director of Sunday School at the Annunciation Cathedral
Name of educational organization, city, state: Russia, Voronezh, Sunday school at the Annunciation Cathedral