Author’s full name: Rudakova Vitalina
Project name: On guards of the Universe
Annotation to the project: The mankind is every day on the threshold before new opening. People study a space for a long time, but our knowledge of him is smallest. The science is an inaccessible horizon on the way to pansophy. But what can happen if the person, aspiring to new, will make a fatal mistake and will come for a side of the legal? It can lead or to world accident, or to grandiose opening. Anyway it will be reflected in our native planet. The earth – our general house. And our debt – to keep the planet for the sake of the future.
Mentor’s name: Verbitskaya Valentina S.
Mentor’s position: Teacher of history and social science.
Name of educational organization, city, state: Kalacheevsky school No. 6.
City Kalatch, Voronezh region, Russia
On guards of the Universe