Our star world

Our star world

Our starworld

Our starworld, he’s so unknown!
There the stars twinkle, lights flash.
Amazingworlds there infinity!
Ah, how theydon’t like the Earth!
Galaxies whirl there forever,
Stars are born and worlds die,
Comets rushing into interstellar space,
Nebulae glow in the milky way.
We fly into space, launched there
We don’t know, we guess.
We long to explore this world.
In it everything is fine, but unsafe.
Okay, well to be honest!
A lot of heroestheir life’s
was able to science to give!


Author’s full name: Plotnikov Maxim
Project name: Our star world
Annotation to the project: “A lot was discoveries in space but even more to do them. Everything what we now know about space, we have an obligation to the people who have devoted their lives to this, and some even gave them in the name of science “.
Mentor’s name: Duplischeva Elena Z.
Mentor’s position: Art teacher
Name of educational organization, city, state: Municipal school No. 1,  Russian Federation, Voronezh region, a town in Gribanovsky