Author’s full name: Posikunova Zinaida
Project name: “Planet Earth is the cradle of life”
Annotation to the project: “Since ancient times people idolized the planet. It wasn’t just the place of residence or production of food. The earth was called the goddess or the goddess-mother and it is not exaggeration. Certainly Mother-Earth gave birth and brought up her child – humanity”.
Mentor’s name: Anuchina Natalya N.
Mentor’s position: Deputy director for educational work, Assistant to chair of the organization of nurse business, Candidate of medical sciences
Name of educational organization, city, state: The public budgetary educational institution of higher education “The Voronezh’s state medical university of N. N. Burdenko” Ministries of Health of the Russian Federation, Voronezh city, Russia.
Planet Earth is the cradle of life