Author’s full name: Kirill Zaitsev, Vadim Kornilov
Project name:”Rocket Soyuz – 47-th change”
Annotation to the project: 47 the second change is an international crew of rocket “Soyuz” (Russia – Yuri Malenchenko, USA – Timothy Copra, British – Timati Peak), which was launched from Baikonur cosmodrome on 15 December 2015. International flights are very important for all humankind, for peace on Earth and in outer space.
Mentor’s name: Duvanova Olesya V.
Mentor’s position: teacher
Name of educational organization, city, state: Russia, Voronezh, Art studio of school number 94, named after general Lizyukov A.I.
Rocket Soyuz – 47-th change