Author’s full name: Anna Kashirina
Project name:”Space galaxy”
Annotation to the project: There are different thoughts about space exploration. Many people say that this is a very important aspect for each country. I want to tell you about some of the benefits of space exploration. First, it opens our view of the world in which we live. Due to space we know a lot about the galaxy, planets, and stars. Secondly, we can’t imagine our life without mobile phones and the Internet, but all these inventions are thanks to the satellites that are in space. To summarize, I believe that we must continue to explore space, only it is necessary to consider all the disadvantages and try to overcome them.
Mentor’s name: Kashirina Larisa
Mentor’s position: educator
Name of educational organization, city, state: Russian Federation, Voronezh,
The MUNICIPAL budget preschool educational institution “the Kindergarten of the combined kind №135″
Space galaxy