Author’s full name: Gavzova Helena
Project name:«Space Inside You»
Annotation to the project: Each of us is a small fragile Universe just a peck of dust in a huge World of measures and speeds. Our life is a moment in the space where time is measured in light years. But, despite of our insignificant sizes we can call ourselves “star children “to the full extent. All chemical elements which compose our cells are the same as those of the unapproachable stars and stages of formation and elements of the Universe remind us an embryonic development and systems of the human body. At school we studied that every living being developing individually repeats to certain degree the forms of development undergone by his ancestors and species. If we consider that we do not repeat the stages of our species but undergo the stages of the Universal evolution over and over again. This thought is expressed by Сarl Sagan: «The cosmos is within us, we are made of stellar matter, we – that’s the way the Cosmos knows himself».
Name of educational organization, city, state: Chita State Medical Academy, Chita, Russia
Space Inside You