Author’s full name: Pauline Aslamova, Akulova Lera
Project name: ”Suddenly the war ?!”
Annotation: There were girls on mushrooms. Suddenly there was a terrible noise. The girls were frightened. Fell plane. He collided with the planet “Chupacabra”. The planet “Chupacabra” living star by the name of “Chupachups”. “Chupachups” did not like it on the planet “Chupacabra” and she flew back to Earth. And at this time there lived a girl-girlfriend Lera and Pauline. They walked, and how would budto-, nothing boded trouble … But suddenly everything changed! In an instant, the paint was falling and the sky was dark purple! Children, in all haste, run home! The house was locked. It was sitting, hiding, the same “Chupachups” ….
Suddenly everything went black! The girls rushed all the running in different directions! And lost …
It took some time … .mozhet few minutes or hours … Girls, beside himself with fear, holding on to a tree. For one tree! Turns out, they clung to the same tree with both hands and firmly pressed, beside himself with fear! …
Suddenly, the sky cleared. All became clear. First, in a haze, a blur, and then more and more clearly … spilled oil and invigorating spell evil “Chupachups” From the wing of the plane was destroyed!
Mentor’s name: Elena Bogdanova
Mentor’s position: Art teacher
Name of educational organization, city, state: Russia, Voronezh, Children’s Art School №12
Suddenly the war ?!