Author’s full name: Osokin Dima
Project name: the letter to the cosmonauts
Annotation to the project: In my letter I address to the cosmonauts and tell them about my dream, their important and dangerous profession
Mentor’s name: Studenikina Elena N.
Mentor’s position: English teacher
Name of educational organization, city, state: Gribanowskaya school №2, Gribanowsky, Voronezh region, Russia
Dear cosmonauts!
My name is Dima. I live in a small town which is located not far from Voronezh. I am an ordinary 12-year-old pupil. I want to tell you about my dream. I hope you will read my letter.
My mother does not take it seriously. But I am sure all my dreams will come true. I want to become a cosmonaut. I have a dream to look at our wonderful planet through the space window. Since my childhood I have been thinking about stars, other galaxies, planets. Where else could you see a lot of brightly shining stars and magic space objects? Only you, cosmonauts, have a chance to get the most breathtaking view of our planet. I have read much information about you, your life in space, food in tubes for astronauts.
I imagine that living in microgravity is fun. You can fly, float and even flip if you want to! It’s like moving in a swimming-pool, only you are much, much lighter. You can push off with a fingertip and move across the whole space module. It’s fantastic!
I know that years ago, you had to squirt your food out of tubes – just like toothpaste. Luckily, today’s ISS (the International Space Station) is equipped with water, microwave ovens, and refrigerators, allowing the people on board to eat more “normal” types of food, including fruit, vegetables and ice cream.
When I have a free moment, I watch science experiments, I read books about space exploration , watch films. Sometimes I just sit and look out of the window and enjoy the sight of the place where I live in, a view that no one ever tires of seeing or photographing.
Yuri Gagarin, a Russian cosmonaut is my hero. His flight, which was made on 12 of April, 1961, lasted 108 minutes. Because of a mistake in coordinating, Yuri didn`t land on the point which was chosen before. He touched earth in another place, and was firstly met by a woman with a little girl, not a special delegation. The search of the lost cosmonaut hasn`t lasted for a long period of time. When he was found, he received a telegram of congratulation immediately. It allowed Yuri being called a national hero. Gagarin`s life was not long. He fell to his death on 27 of March, 1968, but we never forget him as the first man in the cosmos. He was a unique man. I’m proud of the fact that the first cosmonaut was born in Russia!
I hope you enjoyed my letter. I wish you came to our school in order to encourage our pupils. Dreams come true, and you prove it every working day. It was a pleasure to write you.
Taking this opportunity I would like to congratulate you on New Year and wish you a Merry Christmas! May this festival bring abundant joy and happiness in your life! May this New Year adorn your life with many beautiful things and sweet memories to cherish forever! And care of those whom the heart holds close, along with abundant joys and happiness, for you and your family! You are special, you are unique; may your Christmas be also as special and unique as you are! Merry Christmas!
Sincerely yours,