Author’s full name: Mikhalev Dmitriy
Age group: to 6 years inclusive
Project name: “The way to the stars”
Annotation to the project: In our time is no surprise the launch of a space-
th ship. Now the theme of space has become mundane and commonplace for our earthlings. But then, on 12 April 1961, when flew into space Yuri Gagarin, it was a breakthrough in IPtorii of mankind. He was the first who went to the sovertotally unknown world. It was not only his feat and the feat of all great country.
Mentor’s name: Parkhomenko Nadezhda N.
Mentor’s position: educator
Name of educational organization, city, state: Kindergarten № 140, Russia, Voronezh region, Voronezh.
The way to the stars