Author’s full name: Anisa Sharipova
Project name: “The wonderful world of space”
Annotation to the project: The work is dedicated to the 55th anniversary of human exploration of outer space. It is designed to solve the following tasks: to introduce children to the story of the first space flight and the astronaut profession. To expand the knowledge of children about space and space missions; to activate the dictionary: space, stars, spaceship, astronomy; to develop skills of cutting from paper, to develop in children a sense of composition, learning to harmoniously place the parts on a sheet of paper, learn to decorate your work. To instill a sense of pride for their country, the desire to be in something similar to the heroes-astronauts (to do sports, to study well at school).
Mentor’s name: Medeleeva Nadezhda I.
Mentor’s position: The tutor of the senior group
Name of educational organization, city, state: VerhneKarachan kindergarten, Russia, Voronezh region, Gribanovsky District, the village of Upper Karachan
The wonderful world of space