Author’s full name: Aksenova Mariya
Project name: With love from Pluto
Annotation to the project:At the climax of the mission of the “new horizons” on the surface of the planet Pluto was photographed a strange object in the form of “heart” that is depicted in my work. Until 2006 Pluto was considered a full-fledged ninth planet of the Solar system. But then astrophysics specify the size of Pluto, and found that with his size he does not meet the definition of a planet. Its Equatorial radius is only 1185 km (the Earth is almost 6300) and Pluto was demoted from classical planets and dwarf produced in. And the number of planets in the Solar system was reduced to 8. What is the unique mission of the “new horizons”? That humanity managed to reach the outskirts of our village space called the Solar system. Dwarf planet was the most distant world that examined people. Beyond Pluto a little more (space standards) and the Solar system ends. And then stretches of interstellar space, where gravity of the Sun is already inferior to galactic gravity. To imagine how far this space is the fence, count: apparatus new horizons has covered the distance from the earth to the moon for 8.5 hours. Another 4 months it took the probe to reach the orbit of Mars. To Jupiter space wanderer flew a year after launch. A visit to Pluto reached 9 years old. Now to the point where the Solar system is bounded with interstellar space to fly even 4 times longer. To paraphrase Gagarin want to exclaim: what is it little, our Solar system!
Mentor’s name: Alla Shevchenko Vyacheslavovna
Mentor’s position: teacher of chemistry
Name of educational organization, city, state:Municipal budgetary educational acсident Lyceum №4 of the city of Voronezh
With love from Pluto