Author’s full name: Elizabeth Shaforostova
Project name: Wonderful place – planet Earth.
Annotation to the project: Space has always attracted people with its mystery and mystique. For many years, the man tries to unravel the mysteries of the Universe. For this purpose, the engineers are building rockets, astronauts go into Space to meet the unknown, each time risking their lives. The universe is beautiful and alluring, but the most amazing place – the planet Earth! In the Universe understand how unique and fragile our world is. With a sinking heart you look at the beauty of our Planet: mountains, forests, fields, rivers and lakes. I believe that each of us should cherish and appreciate these beauties, for the sake of life on Earth! And let over our Planet always shining Star under the name Sun and a symbol of peace , tenderness, purity and love will be a dove carrying in its beak an olive sprig. Let there be Peace and life will be!
Mentor’s name: Sheremetova Olga
Mentor’s position: elementary school teacher
Name of educational organization, city, state: Russia Voronezh region, Kamensky district p. G. T. heater Educational organization: the Municipal public educational institution
“Kamenskaya secondary school No. 1
with profound studying of separate subjects
the name of the Hero of Soviet Union V. P. Zakharchenko”.
Wonderful place – planet Earth