Author’s full name: Anokhin Alexander
Project name: Work on Mars
Annotation to the project: I recently learned that Mars found the river. There is water. I was surprised also that the mountains of Mars significantly above the Earth. I decided to invent a machine for various work on Mars. It can be drilled, draw water, to collect minerals. That is to collect material for research. Managed by the machine with the help of a solar sail. Driving a car is the rear propeller. At the turn of the propeller, the air flow turns the car in the right direction. This machine is a robot. The driver does not need it. It can be controlled from a satellite or a missile.
Mentor’s name: Gultyaeva Tatiana
Mentor’s position: teacher of additional education
Name of educational organization, city, state: Municipal autonomous institution of additional education Dzerzhinsky Palace of children and teenagers (MAI AE DPCT), Nizhny Tagil, Russia
Work on Mars