Meditation about Space and young


Meditation about Space and young

Author’s full name: Dvoryadkina Alina
Project name: Meditation about Space and young
Annotation to the project: Space – it is a mystery, and not just the shining stars in the infinite sky. He was always interested mankind, attracted, and some even scared … But he was not afraid! We would like to solve the problem of his universe, to seek answers to our questions. Space is full of mysteries that have yet to discover, and a great responsibility in this matter to go to the youth … Space – unsolved abyss!
Mentor’s name: Alexeeva Natalia T.
Mentor’s position: Head of Department of the normal human anatomy
Name of educational organization, city, state: VSMU N.N. Burdenko,Voronezh, Russia


Night. Twinkle in the sky and shining beckon.
With surprise in distant heights I look.
Infinite Universe – magical power.
Thinking of the Eternal, I say to myself:
What we, the people, the special crown of creation?
Or a grain of sand amid the shining stars of the abyss?
What our excitement, the desire, the search?
Hundreds of years of looking for the Truth ghostly bridge
And listening to the stars, themselves say that the universal mystery of the soul of each is.
Every day the space of feelings you and I perceive a fine line conduct, where the truth lies, where flattery.
Humanity longs for Ecumenical discoveries During Gagarin after rushing forward, Youth in the forefront of ideas and events
Twenty-first century is waiting for the new romantics.
We are inquisitive, willing to reveal all the secrets,
Submit trails distant planets.
That followed a distant dream endeavor, certainly on Mars meeting dawn.
Look abroad and facets of knowledge,
Hidden secrets of dark matter found. Dremlyut our curiosity, passion and daring.
We are ready to create, to surprise and to dream!
Let a peaceful heaven in a rocket start,
Carrying pilgrims from the beloved Earth
Conquering, of course, the other planets, as envoys of Science of Good and Love.
Night. Twinkle in the sky and shining beckon.
Enthusiastically ready for them, I look
We are in the native land inspired the dream,
To a distant orbits fly back home!